Worship Central UK Tour – Leg 1

Well we are back home!  At least for a couple of days.

Exhausted and amazed, these few hours in between will be spent washing clothes, resting and preparing for this weeks leg 2 of the UK tour. All good news to report – about 3,500 of us gathered to worship and pray… singing jumping, dancing, shouting (and even rapping) to express our love and adoration for God.

Every night we saw God do something new and different… it ceases to amaze me that you can never plan what or how God chooses to move. All we did was plug in, check the sound, pray and then sing, yet we were blessed to see so many people respond with hands lifted high, crying out to their saviour through new songs of praise.

I must say the people have been as diverse as the culture and history that has come before. All types of accents, denominations and demographics have gathered, but one resounding sound… one common voice – to see the name JESUS lifted high.

The theme of this tour is “Releasing Creativity” and we as a team have really been praying that the Holy Spirit will fill us again, light a fire that can’t be quenched that constantly drives us to to respond to our creator by creatively worshipping back. Any gifting that God has given us, whether it be musical, pastoral or administrative, we really pray that the His anointing will come and we will creatively move forward for the purpose of expanding God’s kingdom and building His church.

Already this last week I have been challenged as a songwriter to really get down to business and put more time, work and energy into creating melodies and lyrics that express what is going on in my heart. I think as a creative person myself, I have become too relaxed (lazy) and started to expect ideas to just come, not needing to really dig deep or work hard. How I have been wrong! I again am reminded to fan into flame the gift God has given! To do what I can do, and then let Him do all that I can’t do. I know there is so much more, for all of us, otherwise we wouldn’t be here.

So anyway, enough preaching… I will have many more stories by the end of next weeks adventures.

Lots of love



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